Divorce does not have to be a long drawn out process. If you and your spouse can agree on all of the issues that need to be resolved in your divorce, you can file for an uncontested divorce.

Uncontested Divorce in New York

An uncontested divorce is the simplest and most inexpensive way to dissolve your marriage in New York State providing both parties are in agreement to all terms of the divorce. Terms include custody, child support, distribution of marital assets, etc. You should always seek the advice of an Attorney to understand your rights before trying to negotiate important divorce issues.

Steps for an Uncontested Divorce

  1. Once an Attorney is retained this Attorney can only represent one party. Most likely the Attorney will enter into a retainer agreement with the original party that he made contact with. The Attorney will then work with that party (client) and draft a proposed agreement, the Attorney will also draft additional documents required by law and that the other party will have to execute in order to avoid going to court.
  2. After the documents have been drafted the client will deliver them to the other party for review. The other party can obtain his/her own Attorney to review the documents. Once an agreement has been reached by both parties they will then execute the divorce agreement and other necessary documents.
  3. Once all of the documents have been prepared and signed they will be submitted to the court.

Advantages to Uncontested Divorce

  • No Court
  • Less expensive
  • Faster

Uncontested divorce cases tend to be amicable because parties are reaching an agreement without the need for litigation. And, it is much faster than a traditional divorce. It can usually take anywhere from 8 to 12 weeks if there are no complications or delays.

Contact Testa Law Firm to Speak with an Uncontested Divorce Lawyer

Attorney Daniel Testa has over 17 years of family law experience and he knows that you have questions. Here at Testa Law Firm we help you understand your divorce options.

What Matters to You Matters to Us

You do not have to endure a divorce alone. Get answers to your questions today and contact us online or at "315-255-3368 to schedule a free consultation.

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